"High Tides And Hurricanes" lyrics


"High Tides And Hurricanes"

I feel the rope getting short
As I try to climb
I’ve lost all hope
I’m falling behind

But your words pick me up
And take me away from here
When I feel like giving up
You get me through

High tides and hurricanes
I need your voice
To get me through the day
High tides and hurricanes
You get me through the day

Laying here with you
Is where I want to be
Pull me close close your eyes
With you I’m complete

And your words pick me up
And take me away from here
When I feel like giving up
You get me through

High tides and hurricanes
I need your voice
To get me through the day
High tides and hurricanes
You get me through the day

And your words pick me up
And take me away from here
When I feel like giving up
You get me through

High tides and hurricanes
I need your voice
To get me through the day
High tides and hurricanes
You get me through the day

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