"The Road To Hell" lyrics


"The Road To Hell"

Feeling confused and a little bit used?
- Everybody's had a dose of being abused;
We all make scapegoats, we've all laid blame,
We've all had a kicking from the sexual game.
We talk about love and how we never get enough,
Yet we're distanced from each other, we never seem to touch.
So politically correct when we talk to one another,
'Til we're up our own arse and the message gets smothered.

What kind of world are we building here?
Losing sight of each other through sexual fear.
Don't trust anybody in this world of apprehension -
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.....

We say we want to change the way things stand
Freedom from oppression for woman and man.
Lay the blame on the member of a gender
'Til we're not brother/sister but attacker/defender.
It's hard for us all trying to break the traditions
When our back's against the wall in a missionary position.
Maybe we could do it if we trusted one another
Without looking for revenge and trying to screw each other.....

What kind of world are we building here?
Losing sight of each other through sexual fear.
Don't trust anybody in this world of apprehension -
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.....

This Side - That Side - Anyside
Whose Side? - Their Side - Backside - Don't fuck me.

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