"The Clouds" lyrics


"The Clouds"

Have been
On a response for days
There's been
A complication
It seems your heart needed a break
From pumping the blood through your veins
And keeping the oxygen ok
I still see your face
In the day

And I see your eyes in a bottle that was way too tall
I finished it to just see if we could talk
Now I'm speaking with your ghost again
It’s telling me that I don’t understand
Can we be friends in another lifetime
And I might pretend
That we are right now I
Summoned demons from a dying tree
I drank the poison from a black monsoon
And then I saw you
I felt your red kiss in a dream I had
And I felt your skin in a monument.

But then I went home to live a brand new life without you
And buried all our things
Beneath the giant shadows of the clouds
And they will stay there under ground
But no matter what I do,
I never will stop talking to you

I never did get the last word in
You said I always did
I never did get the last word in
You said I always did
I never did get the last word in
You said I always did
I never did get the last word in
You said I always did
I never did get the last word in
You said I always did
I never did get the last word in
You said I always did
I never did get the last word in
You said I always did
I never did get the last word in
You said I always did

Thanks to coolbrees15 for these lyrics

Thanks to Glomo for correcting these lyrics

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