"Empty Hands" lyrics


"Empty Hands"

It's all lies

It's hard to watch all my friends leave the scene with empty hands
It was over when it began
Desire is a curse
The more you hope, the more that it hurts
All I want is a chance, there's nothing left for us in the end
So I'll bring the life we all want back, it's up to us to pave a new path
The world broke all we had, all we had
I hope this time we can make it last

All my heart will go unheard
Hearing the sad truth it hurts
But I'll keep dreaming till it breaks
Cause it's all I have anyway

Now I see the truth, my heroes fed me lies
I've worked hard all my life to reach these dreams
But no, even if we're on the rise we still won't make a dime
I'll be alright but let's be real, this dream of mine, it has died

I'll do my best to keep it alive

All my heart will go unheard
Hearing the sad truth it hurts
But I'll keep dreaming till it breaks
Cause it's all I have anyway
It's my fate

All my heart will go unheard
Hearing the sad truth it hurts
But I'll keep dreaming till it breaks
Cause it's all I have anyway

Bring it back pave a path, there's no point looking at the past
Here and now look around we'll rebuild starting at the ground
Keep on hoping there's something growing
It's all dead and broken

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